
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Discount Gift Cards

Get gift cards for less at

Discount gift cards are one of my favorite bricks when stacking my tower of savings. It's simple - pay less than what it's worth. If I buy a $100 card for $80, that is a 20% savings off any purchase I make with that card. I know where I spend money regularly so I can plan ahead and get a discount. CardCash guarantees the value on the card.

Major retailers, restaurants, and entertainment such as movie theaters are featured on these sites. I have gotten discounts from 2%-22%, but the typical range for me is right in the middle of that. Here is an example of what I've bought:

Safeway - 2%
Costco - 2%
Best Buy - 5%
Old Navy/Gap - 10-15%
LL Bean - 11%
Dress Barn - 22%
Gymboree - 16%
Red Lobster - 10%
Applebees - 10%

The savings can really add up!

I have also seen cards for airlines, hotels chain, fast food. Many of these are also offered as e-Cards for online purchases. The possibilities are endless. Periodically, I browse through what is available and snap up what I might need. You can also have them email you a notice if they get a card from your preferred retailer. Compare discount percentages because they can vary.

Be aware that some of the cards you receive may be merchandise or store credit. Most retailers use these the same way they would an actual gift card, but some have restrictions. Know your favorite retailers' restrictions on those types of credit. A fairly safe way to spot a true gift card is those that are even numbers (i.e. $25, $50, $100, etc.).

Don't forget to use them!!

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